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Friday, June 26, 2009

Another porridge recipe.. Potato Pork Porridge

Wow... I just realise that the name that I gave this concoction of porridge of mine is Potato Pork Porridge... aka PPP :)

And here is how it looks like after it is cooked

And the base for this porridge is also anchovies stock. On how to make anchovies stock is very simple. Just throw some anchovies (about 20gm if only using one cup of water) and put it to simmer over low fire for about 15 minutes. Voila! Anchovies stock is ready. This stock can also be used as base for some soups for noodles. Just use more anchovies and more water ... :) But more on the noodles in another blog...

Now for the porridge, method is the same as the Pumpkin Porridge in my previous post. just substitute the pumpkin with potatoes. You can also add in a few slices of carrot (thinly sliced). I have ran out of carrots that day and have omitted that.

So try it out. My little girl loves it. Finish the whole bowl. :)


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