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Friday, July 24, 2009

Spiky rambutans

A few days ago, our neighbour gave us some local fruits (as in local to Malaysia). I think they are pretty unusual and therefore decided to blog about it. The flesh tastes like rambutans and therefore, I think they are just another species of rambutans. I do not know the correct name for these fruits and so I will call them spiky rambutans here.

The skin is similar to rambutans, though one might disagree.. hehe.. The normal rambutan's skin is hairy while the skin of this fruit is spiky. But then, the spikes are soft spikes and would not hurt (not like durian thorns that is really hard spikes).

And here in the picture, you can see the close up of the fruit that I have in a container after peeling them, ready to be stored in the refrigerator to be consumed later. I just sat down and peel off the "skin" of the fruit and store the flesh in a container in the refrigerator to be consumed later. It can keep for a few days. Moreover, I think it is nicer when chilled.


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