Char Siew... Yummy!!!
Today, since I am no longer working, I decided to make something more complicated... so, I tried making Char Siew! I have never made this before and thus tried to experiment.... and the results is really yummy!!!
Want to know how to make?
Here is what I use.... my own version of Char Siew!
3 garlic chopped fine
5 spice powder
3 tablespoons Hoisin Sauce
2 tablespoons Light Soya Sauce
2 tablespoons Shao Xing wine
1 tablespoon Sesame Oil
2 tablespoon brown sugar (can use normal sugar too)
2 slices of pork brisket (about 2 cm thick and 15 cm long)
A little red colour food colouring - optional (I did not use this as I do not like artificial colouring)
Slice away the pork skin from the pork brisket. Poke the pork with a fork so that the marinate sauce can seep better into the meat.
Combine all ingredients above and marinate the meat thoroughly. Freeze in the freezer overnight.
Next day, defrost the marinated pork. It is best if you can grill it. But, if you are doing it in your kitchen, there is little chance you have a grill handy. :)
So, what I did was improvise! Skewer the pork on fork and attached it to the tray in the oven. If you have some "S" hook, it works as well. Here is what I have done...
At the bottom of the oven I put a baking tray covered in aluminium foil so that the "drippings" when it is grilling will not drip down to the oven. Easier to clean later.
You need to "hang" it in the oven to cook and not just put it on the plate as the side on the plate will be "soaked" with the drippings.
Grill the meat in the oven for about 40 minutes at 180 degree Celcius. Some oven need less time. So do monitor yourself.
When the meat is done after about 40 minutes, remove from the oven and grill it over the kitchen stove for about 2 minutes to get the "charred" taste. I did not grill it for long as charred is not good for health...
Let the meat cool and cut it up into bite size pieces.
looks delicious, did it taste porky? or did all the marinate overnight get rid off the porky taste? which part of pork should i buy? I don't know!!!!!
Porky??? hehe... it's pork, my dear... so I guess it tastes porky... hehe... but then if you dun like pork, you can always use replace the pork with chicken. Use the drumstick meat and debone it.. like you are making chicken chop... but of course, it will not taste as nice or as authentic as pork lar...
Oh... and if you like it a bit fatty, then buy the "sam cham bak" part, the part where got fat and lean meat layered... but you need to remove/slice off the skin... if you dun like it fatty, then buy the butt/back thigh part...
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